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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A tale of two bars

      One of our favorite pastimes is listening to live music. It doesn't really matter what kind, as long as it is done right. So on Friday and Saturday night we visited two different bars, had two different experiences and had fun at both,
      Our first stop on Friday night was Ginko Blue,a great little intimate club playing live blues music on this particular night. Located on Fore Street, this Bar has a real modern interior with great lighting and a beautiful bar. Unfortunately, in designing the furniture, sight lines were not taken into consideration. Very tall chairs and round tables block the view of the very small stage for all but a very few customers. Add to this the $12, yes you heard correct, TWELVE dollar martinis and $6.00 local beers and you have an expensive night. But the band was smokin, Poke Chop and the other White Meats, and we had a young crowd sit with us and it was a fun, (but expensive), night none the less.
      On Saturday night we went to a totally different kind of bar. The Big Easy could nicely be called a "dive" bar. Located below street level, on a particularly dark side of Market street. At first glance you wonder if you should enter, but please do. Once inside it is very dark but there is a ton of room and a really huge stage.The bartenders are really friendly, and the drink prices, DIRT CHEAP, don't expect fancy pants martinis here but they have a great selection of beers and a couple rounds for you and the missus wont even cost you a $20 spot. The band this night was the Tone Kings. I like them but the wife, not so crazy about their music, a bit too mellow for her taste. BUT, suddenly a guest guitarist came out of the audience. Younger guy from England, if I remember correctly. WOW, this guy was sensational. All in all, a great time was had by all.
      If you are in the Portland area, I would suggest both of these bars. I give Ginko Blue a B, because the sight lines to the band are not great and the prices are high. I give the Big Easy an A, this would be the kind of great place I would hang out if I lived here.

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