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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cooking 101; Duck a L'Orange (sort of)

      First of all, sorry about the delay between posts. Summer has interfered with my writing. I seem to have scheduled WAY too many things to do in a short period of time. Surprise birthday party for wife's brother. Family reunion on her side of the family (post to come from that ). Vacation to Wisconsin, (LOTS of post from that one) and finally a major home remodeling, windows and vinyl siding ( maybe a post if it all goes well). Whew no wonder I am exhausted (NO nothing to do with age).
      Rest assured in the weeks to come you will have MORE posts than you care to read, (OK maybe one post is more but whatever). First up another product review. I know the title says Cooking 101 but really this is pre-cooked food so how hard can it be. When all is said and done, not hard at all. Let start with the ingredients for a delicious supper, one pre-cooked Maple Leaf duck in two halves, sold at your local Costco store (maybe, the one big complaint with Costco is one week it's here the next it's gone). One salad, your choice of ingredients, we had romaine and arugula with a poppyseed dressing , some grilled bread, again your choice , I love store bought naan on the grill and for dessert, scones in a box, surprisingly good if you dress them up a bit (more on that later).
     Ingredients lined up for cooking;

      First make the scones according to directions on box, I buy the King Aurthur brand ( good old Vermont company) and to the lemon and ginger scones I added some finely chopped candy ginger. Pop them in the oven and turn your thoughts to the duck, don't think long and hard about the sauce for the ducks like I did, there is actually a good orange sauce right in the package DUH !! Could of saved me some time. I suggest cooking the ducks on the grill, cuz even though they are pre-cooked there is still some fat (keeps them moist) and you WILL smoke up the kitchen. Since the ducks are pre-cooked, all you are doing is warming them up and putting some nice grill marks on them. Cooking time is 5-10 minutes per side. Throw some naan on the grill, make yourself a nice salad. We did romaine and arugula, the pepperyness (another new word) of the arugula balanced the sweetness of the sauce nicely. Take the scones out and make a quick glaze, (mix together confectioners sugar and milk to the right consistency to frost scones. I added some lemon juice to compliment the flavors in the scone) and sprinkle over the top of the scones and VOILA;

      Quick, easy and delicious. Try it for your next supper. OH and a perfect meal for either a powerful white like a crisp Chardonnay or a subtle red , California Pinot Noir comes to mind.

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