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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lamson Family Reunion

          One of our favorite activities of the summer, the annual Lamson Family Reunion. Once again, hosted by Amy and Steve, (thank you guys). And they certainly must be doing something right, as we had an absolutely perfect summer day for like the 6th year in a row. I can't think of a summer activity I look forward to more, the perfect combination of food, friends and camaraderie. Here are just a very few of my favorite pics of the day. OH and Herb the homemade beer was incredible !! Looking forward to trying even more of it.

      After the party, we decided to once again try and find the Old Lane farm, that wifey and her sis used to spend time at during childhood summers. Thanks to Amy's map we found it this year. Couple of pics, one of the old homestead and a great pic of the dam we crossed over. Can't wait till next years reunion already. 

      We are hoping to go to the Lamson Family Farm days in Mont Vernon, NH ( yes it's spelled right) in late September. If we make it I will be sure to post lots of pics.

1 comment:

  1. My husbands grandma was Marion Dennison Lamson. She used the middle name to keep that line of the family going as well. So can you tell me, if this is the family also related to the ones in, Mass.??

    Thank you,

    Aida Campbell
