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Friday, May 4, 2012

Mama Mia Review

      This review could be a landmine. As fans of Mama Mia are rabid in there opinion of what makes this such a great musical. So I am writing this from a different point of view. The point of view of a person who hated the movie, (PLEASE, Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep singing, YUCK), and someone who has never particularly liked Abba. Truly, I bought these tickets as a surprise for my wife. She is a huge fan of the movie and actually likes Abba's music. And since she puts up with me 365 days of the year, I figured I could put up with Abba for one day.

      So you can imagine my surprise when I realized I really LIKED this musical. First the energy of a live production exceeds that of the movie by a thousand fold. Second , what really surprised me was the humor. The play was MUCH funnier than the movie. So if the Broadway production of Mama Mia comes to your town, I wholeheartedly encourage you to go see it. You will like it AND your wife will really appreciate it. Go and have fun.

      I give Mama Mia an A and declare it a great Broadway production.

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