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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cooking 101: Fettucine and Meatballs

      OK,  not so much a recipe this time, as an endorsement. Sometimes life gets in the way of Supper and you need to come up with something quick. Whether for a quick supper with the wifey or a meal with friends and family, here is what we put together on Saturday;

      All three products available at your friendly, neighborhood Costco store ( or I am sure, grocery store also). Add the first two ingredients to a crock pot, turn on low and go take a nap, (OK this was my recipe, you may not want to follow it exactly). Now if you ARE following exactly, wake up from your nap, realize the crock pot was on low AND the meatballs went in frozen, so now crank up the pot to high and after your guests arrive, stall them with appetizers and several drinks. Appetizers can be most anything, but as we had perused our local farmers market (see previous post) we had some stuffed breads to offer, garlic and roasted tomatoes and my favorite, blue cheese and pear.

      For drinks you can add your personal favorites or some of my previous tinis, OR better yet, here are two brand new concoctions for you to try. The first I call Tropics in a Glass ( makes two)
2 ounces Coconut Rum
2 ounces Mango Rum
2 ounces fresh Mango Juice
4 ounces Lemonade
Splash of pineapple juice from the sliced pineapples in a can
1 Pineapple slice split in two

Shake the first 5 ingredients vigorously in a shaker with ice cubes . Strain into martini glasses and one piece pineapple slice to rim and VOILA;

      The first drink was found delicious by all who tried it, For the second drink, I went away from the tropics and more to home grown fruits. This one shall be dub  ummmm hmmm naming contest, I will go with the Black Berritini but really that title sucks, all my loyal readers, what do you think? Here are the ingredients;

In a shaker glass , muddle

Large handful of ripe fresh blackberries
4-5 sprigs of fresh mint
 To this add;
2 ounces coconut rum
2 ounces regular rum
6 ounces lemonade

Shake vigorously and again VOILA;

      What would you name the lovely concoction? For the guys , two new beers, Ommegang Abbey and Noire de Chambly. The first brewed in Cooperstown  NY and the Second in Quebec. Both were delicious, with a slight edge going to Noire de Chambly.

      As you can tell, not images I took, sorry, forgot to photo the beers, ANYWAYS back to our regularly scheduled dinner. So with drinks and appetizers in hand and a very addicting program I had downloaded on the laptop, Spotify, (try the free version, you have to listen to a few ads but man is it fun to try and stump the computer), we were all having a great time. As far as we can tell, you just can't stump this program, I think they have every song ever made. In no particular order we  found and listened to Dominique by the Singing Nun, Battle of New Orleans by Johnny Horton, 10 cc, Play that funky music white boy (Leif Garret sang this also who knew?), Black Sabbath, The Ballad of the Green Berets Oh and about a few hundred more. So while everyone was engrossed in digging up the most obscure songs ever ( The Singing Nun,  REALLY), I checked on the meatballs, thawed and hot, just how I like my meatballs. On went a huge pot of boiling (OK, technically it started out as non-boiling and soon became boiling) water with olive oil and kosher salt thrown in. Drop in the fresh pasta, wait a couple of minutes, (no more people, this is FRESH pasta, no more than 2 -3 minutes REALLY). Dump the pasta into a nice big colander, back into the now empty pot , splash of extra virgin (olive oil !!) and you are ready to serve.

      Best way I have found is assembly line style. On the counter your first dish should be pasta, next the crock pot with the meatballs, (lid removed DUH) and finally a micro plane with a nice block of Parmigiano-Reggiano. Here is where you need to spend a bit more, c'mon supper was inexpensive, buy GOOD cheese (hey that should be my new motto). We went with a nice block from (where else) Costco but any good cheese shop can help you here. DO NOT buy shredded parm at the grocery store YUCKKKKKKK !!! And if you have some , some fresh thinly shredded basil over the top would be Divine (OH yea I just used the word Divine). Everyone agreed a great meal. And for dessert from our trip to the farmers market.

      Moroccan delights, small but intense flavors, a perfect dessert. But feel free to insert your own dessert. There you go, a quick easy meal for two or many more.

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