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Friday, June 22, 2012

Quarterdeck Review

      The Quarterdeck is a chain of sports bars in Florida. Having spent over an hour waiting for a water taxi that never came, AND having spent the day in airports, we were starving and just wanted ANY place we could find within walking distance to eat. We stumbled across the Quarterdeck and were told there was a 45 minute wait but the bar had seats available, so in we walked and away we ate. I really wasn't expecting much but was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food and most of all the service.

      Think about Fort Lauderdale in late February, vacation central, so while the Quarterdeck is a very large place, it was PACKED to the rafters. And to top it off, we found out a couple of servers had called in sick, (can't blame them is was 80 and beautiful). But the bartender came over right away with menus and took our drink order, and was back with the drinks in a flash. I noticed they had a very large raw bar, so I asked about the oysters (this can be a scary proposition in a sports bar but what the heck I was feeling lucky). I was assured that the blue points had arrived fresh that morning so I ordered a half dozen. My fellow worker decided to start with the peel your own shrimp. Both plates were exceptional, the oysters really fresh and the shrimp huge, with a whole bunch of them. For our entrees, I went with a really unusual sandwich, blackened fresh grouper, fresh mozzarella, basil and cappicola on a ciabbata roll, and my buddy went with blackened fish tacos. The fish in both entrees was incredibly fresh, and while on paper my sandwich sounds weird the blackened fish, the fresh cheese and the salty, slightly spicy ham worked PERFECTLY together. This was a perfect start to our Fort Lauderdale business trip and highly recommended.

Food,                     3.25  Sports bar food but very well done
Beer and Wine,    3.75   Nice beer selection, typical grocery store wine selections.
Service,                 5.0     I have never given anyone a 5 but this poor guy was HUSTLING, and yet he was pleasant and took the time to explain the menu to us.
Ambiance,             3.0     Sports bar, enough said.
Price,                     3.5      One of the most reasonable of all our Fort Lauderdale meals.

Overall                  3.70 A really nice local chain with above average food for a sports bar. I would recommend them if you are in Florida.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Bahia Mar Review

      The next few posts will be all about my recent business trip to Fort Lauderdale. Starting with the hotel we stayed at. But first, a well deserved shout out to Delta Airlines. I know, I know, it's very unusual for ANYONE to have anything nice to say about an airline in this day and age, (Still love you Jet Blue, lower your prices). And after the total fiasco we had with Continental last year, (stuck on the runway for 1/2 hour waiting for a plane to leave our gate, only to find out said plane was broke, missed connecting flight to Vegas, no hotel vouchers as it was FAA fault, RIGHT !!!). So we had a very tight layover at JFK , 40 minutes, and when the plane had to go through deicing, I was really worried about missing our connection. But then the captain,(are they always captains? No privates or Corporals in airline speak? Wouldn't fill you with a ton of confidence would it, to hear "This is Private Ed, way up here in the driver thingy seat, letting you know we will be flying way up high today), came on and said they were given a more direct route and we would make JFK in 50 minutes, YEA, leaves plenty of time to catch the next plane. Got to the edge of the runway and he turns off the engines, oops, that is never good.

      Broken engine sensor, back to the terminal, NOW here is where the tale takes a strange turns, once back in the terminal, we are told, we will call out your cities and you can come up and get new flights, we have them all rescheduled for you. WHAT?? no begging, screaming, hollering, WHAT? So we get new assignments, getting into Fort Lauderdale at 7PM that night, sigh, there goes my afternoon of vacation. But she says, stop at the service desk in JFK and get meal vouchers or she may be able to get you an earlier flight. Well, meal vouchers are way more than we got last year, (YOU SUCK, CONTINENTAL), so off to the service counter we go and surprise number 2, really nice lady says we have a 1pm flight out of Laguardia, I can pay for your cab, if you don't mind going back through security again, gets you into Ft.Lauderdale at 4 pm so you can enjoy a bit of 85 degree weather, WOO HOO, Delta we love you !!!

      Oh yeah, this is a review about the hotel. So what have we learned so far, Delta good, Continental bad. Bahia Mar Doubletree Hotel, just OK. This is quite an old hotel, that Hilton has bought and is updating. At this time the furniture seems pretty updated but the bathrooms, walls and doors are still very old. The good, location, location, location. Right on route 1A1, with the ocean on one side and the waterway on the other. And only a short walk to all the action of the Fort Lauderdale strip. AND a water taxi stop just a few hundred yards away, (but good luck catching one, we waited for an outbound boat for over an hour one night and one never came, not a very efficiently run operation).

  The bad, doors and paint in room are very chipped up. bathroom is old and looks it. Be aware that if you stay here with friends the bathroom door is a pocket door made of slats, not much privacy. Good and bad, the employees, Karen at the front desk and Patricia at the concierge desk were both incredible, extremely helpful, (Poor Patricia must of made and cancelled a dozen restaurant reservations for me ,as the boss's flights kept getting delayed). On the other hand, the first morning my colleague and I went to breakfast, I asked for a menu and the employee told me "We are doing a buffet for $17.00 each, (not exactly a lie as you notice he did NOT say we couldn't order a la carte, just never offered us a menu, so we paid over $40, (18% tip automatically added), for a really sub par buffet that at Hampton Inns is free. The 2nd morning we had a better server and she gave us menus, but the sausages I received came out ICE cold , so not a whole lot better. She was very apologetic but for some reason the kitchen just could not get them back out to me before we were all done and leaving, (why not pull some out of the buffet, I assume those were hot?).

      So all in all a totally average experience. Location is great, views are incredible, some employees are wonderful, some not so much. Some of the room is updated, alot of the room still needs serious work. If you can get a great deal, I suppose the location would make up for the rest. But as we paid $180 a night, I would not stay here again for that price. Not before I was assured the rest of the updating was finished. All in all I give the place a 2.5 stars (out of five).

Friday, June 1, 2012

Five Guys Review

      OK, I am sure you are saying, what's up with another fast food review. But since this is our first 5 guys in Vermont, I think some people would want to know what it's like, right? RIGHT? Maybe not, but here goes anyways. Five guys has won numerous awards for its hamburgers and that in a nutshell is what they are, a fast food hamburger chain.Now you may say a burger is a burger but a Five guys burger relates to a pink slime McD's burger as equally as a Democratic congressman relates to a Republican senator, in other words NOT AT ALL.

      Now in a moment I will clear up our only confusion with the 5 guys ordering procedure. Since the South Burlington location (on Shelburne road in the same strip mall as the Shaw's) is small and the chain appears to be EXTREMELY popular with Vermonters, I would suggest ordering online. Online ordering is simple, you pick from the menu, (not hard to do as the entire menu is hamburgers of various sorts, hot dogs and french fries). Once you pick out your burger, you get to pick from 18 different toppings at no extra charge, (bacon, cheese, b-bque sauce was mine), pick out which fries, we got two large fries, one regular,one Cajun.  BIG MISTAKE, this was enough fries for 10 people not 4, if your gonna order large, make sure you are having a party. After your done ordering, pay with a credit card and you will have about a 10-20 minute wait. So jump in the car and head over to Shelburne Road.

       Once you arrive, you realize ordering online to go was the right choice. This place is SMALL, and CROWDED. Now comes the one point of confusion, as you have ordered and paid you would assume you move to the end of the restaurant where orders are being processed, WRONG, make sure you check in at the counter and tell them you are there for a pick up or your order will sit on the heater and never get called, I speak from experience. Anyways, after figuring out the right way to get our food, we were off, and as Mike and Kris don't live so far away, we arrived in no time to hot and juicy burgers and fries.

      Now what the picture doesn't show well is that each burger is actually a DOUBLE burger. Again the website or menu doesn't really mention this, they do list a "baby" burger but who's to know that is really a standard burger, one patty. Anyways we were totally full and Kris and Mike had enough fries to last a week.

Food,                     4.0   Be aware that I am rating this on a fast food scale and not a fine dining scale.
Beer and Wine,    NO  No alcohol, so no rating.
Service,                 2.5  Again think fast food, employees not really helpful just there to take your order.
Ambiance,             2.0  Really, get it to go.
Price,                     4.0  Pricey compared to the clown and king but WAYYYYY better food.

Overall                  3.125  OK, I know it's a fast food joint, so really what counts is food and price. And in this case 5 Guys really shines. the food is very tasty and appears to be way more natural than its competitors. And while the pricing is a bit higher than those others, you really get alot for your dollar. Is it the best burger I have ever had, God No, is it the best fast food burger I have ever had, very likely.